
The fronts of Data ICMC are fundamental pillars that structure and organize our group's activities. Each front is responsible for a specific area of action, working in a coordinated manner to achieve our goals of promoting knowledge in Data Science and Machine Learning. Through these fronts, we seek to provide an enriching experience not only for members but also for the community, allowing them to develop their skills, collaborate on projects, and establish valuable connections.

Below, learn about the different fronts of Data ICMC and how each contributes to the growth and strengthening of our group:

Study Groups

Study Groups

In the study groups, students gather with the goal of deepening a topic. At the end of the studies, members meet to present results and projects to the rest of the group.



The project front aims to bring together groups to develop applications involving everything from data acquisition to development, training, and results visualization.



Organizes Data Science events such as DataDay. Additionally, it represents the group in opportunity fairs, Congresses, and Summer Schools.



Marketing aims to promote the group, attract new people through the social networks where DATA is present.



The Secretariat handles the group's relationship with USP, facilitating bureaucracies, organizing documents on Github and Drive. It also represents the group in General Assemblies and the Board of Directors.



The Teaching front organizes courses with the goal of presenting the area of Data Science, as well as in-depth courses.